City in Your Hands ... Always Access to Business Information such as Business Contact Number, Agencies, Doctors' Office, Different Offices, etc.
City in your hands ...
Always accessing businesses such as business contact number, agencies, doctors' offices, various offices, etc. can alleviate many of the problems of citizens of a city.
The Baby App is a software for accessing business information in a city. Here are some of the features and access of this software:
- Consolidation of essential information (address, telephone, business card view and job description) various businesses available in the city
- The ability to search for the closest target business to the user (via GPS) as well as the target results on a particular street. The search system is programmed to provide its users with the most optimized results.
- Ability to register ads and various requirements including buying, selling, holding class and conferences and ...
- Ability to register new or unregistered businesses
- Ability to send a wide message (notification, advertising, etc.) to users